Frequently Asked Questions

What is a clinical trial?
A clinical trial is a medical research that determines the safety and effectiveness of a drug or treatment and discovers any side effects. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uses information gathered in clinical trials to evaluate new medications.

Who conducts clinical trials?
Professional staff may consist of physicians, registered nurses, and clinical research professionals. Our research professionals have extensive experience in evaluating investigational medications and treatment procedures.

What do I need to know before I participate?
It is your right to have complete information about the study in which you will participate. The US Government requires complete and accurate disclosure, which allows you to make an informed decision about whether or not to volunteer. Before you are evaluated as a research participant, you will go through the consent process.  You will be given an Informed Consent document which you must read, understand and sign before enrolling. This form explains what happens during the trial, what kind of care you will receive, alternatives if applicable, and all the benefits and risks associated with the medication or procedure. You will also be given an opportunity to have all your questions and concerns addressed before consenting to the study.

What are the risks?
Your safety is of primary concern. All procedures are first reviewed by an independent Investigational Review Board (IRB) before they are administered. This assures that the study is ethical and the risks are as low as possible and worth any potential benefits. All details and risks of the study will be explained to you during the informed consent part of your visit.

Do I qualify to participate?
Different studies have different enrollment requirements. Some studies require people who are healthy, not taking any medications, and are over age 18. Other studies may require people who have existing medical conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, COPD or other conditions, and/or people who are taking certain medications.

Please refer to Current Trials on our website for currently enrolling trials. When you call, you will be asked several questions about your current health. If you meet the study requirements, we will schedule an appointment for you to be evaluated by our staff. If you do not qualify for a specific study at that time, with your permission, we may contact you regarding future clinical research studies.

What can I expect during the clinical trial?
After you give your consent to be in one of our clinical trials, information will be taken concerning your age, medical history, medications, and other preliminary questions to make sure you fit the study requirements.  You may also receive assessments such as a physical exam, laboratory tests, study procedures as necessary, as well as study medication, all free of charge to you and your insurance.  During the course of the study, medical personnel will meet with you to monitor your progress.

Can I change my mind?
Your participation in a research study is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw from participation at any time and for any reason.  

Will my information be sold to anyone?
All information you provide as a research participant is strictly confidential. It will not be sold and will only be used for the purposes required by the research study.

Do I get paid as a clinical trial participant?
We understand your time is valuable, so some type of compensation is usually provided for time and travel depending on the study.  

Currently Enrolling Studies

We are currently seeking participants for different clinical research studies. Click below to learn about our current trials and summit your information. We will reach out to you very quickly to answer any questions you may have and see if you qualify.